I don't like this materialistic world. We buy a lot and throw away even more. This is why I took my old T-shirt (although I had to fight with the "maybe I will still need it one day" thought) and made this recycled crocheted pot-holder. It's companion for today is my cactus, but I hope that in the near future there will also be some hot pots to keep it company.

Nad današnjim materialističnim svetom nisem nič kaj navdušena. Kupujemo dosti, odvržemo še več. Zato sem se tokrat odločila, da uporabim staro majico (čeprav sem se sprva bojevala z mislijo "kaj pa če jo bom še kdaj rabila") in nastal je ta kuhinjski podstavek. Tokrat mu družbo dela moj kaktus, upam pa, da se mu bodo kmalu pridružili tudi vroči lonci.
Wow it's great!!! And good idea! I love to recycle too!!!
ReplyDeleteLepo, zelo lepo. Mislim, da sem celo v eni slovenski reviji zasledila idejo o kvačkanih torbah iz razrezanih plastičnih vrečk; bom poskusila, če me ne bo potegnilo kaj drugega. V tvojem profilu sem videla, da bereva veliko istih blogov; vsaj mene ta svet barv in blogovske ustvarjalnosti resnično osrečuje in tudi tvoj blog je med osupljivo lepimi. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteja, tudi plastične vrečke bi bilo reba nekako porabiti :) kar se pa blogov tiče, se strinjam, so res neskončen vir lepote in navdiha :)
I love this!! I desperately want to make a similar thing for the floor and seeing this makes me think I can do it like you have using old T-shirts, thanks for the inspiration. :0)
ReplyDelete@ Annette: You should try it, it is really easy. And don't forget to show us the results ;)
ReplyDeletehello Kookoo!
ReplyDeleteI made a bath rug out of t-shirt fabric!
the post is in spanish (I'm argentinian) but I often write in english too!
I really like your blog!
so pretty! what a great way to repurpose. would love for you to link up at our crafty saturday link-up at http://tosewwithlove.blogspot.com/2011/01/crafty-saturday-party-link-up-no1.html
ReplyDeleteI agree with the materialism. I am cutting way down on buying stuff I don't need.
ReplyDeleteI am with you. I am about to re-use recycle My Old fabrics
ReplyDeletewooow very nice