Monique is a special girl. She loves night just as much as she loves day and she could never decide whether she loves white more than black. This is why she simply adores everything in this color combination: pandas, zebras and penguins, vanilla ice-cream with chocolate, chess, crossword puzzles and black & white TV. She enjoys playing the piano and she even considered hanging a pirate flag in her room.
This handmade art doll is approximately 15'' (38 cm) tall and is made of nearly 5000 stitches. Her dress is made out of reused fabric which used to be trousers. There is a small flower on her cap, which is also made of the same labyrinth fabric.
This handmade art doll is approximately 15'' (38 cm) tall and is made of nearly 5000 stitches. Her dress is made out of reused fabric which used to be trousers. There is a small flower on her cap, which is also made of the same labyrinth fabric.
You can adopt her here.
Monique je prav posebna punca. Noč ima prav tako rada kot dan in nikakor se ne more odločiti, ali ima najraje belo ali črno. Prav zaradi tega obožuje vse v tej barvni kombinaciji: pande, zebre in pingvine, vanilijin sladoled s čokolado, šah in križanke ter stare časopise in črno-belo televizijo, njen dan pa ne mine brez da bi obrnila list notnega črtovja in zaigrala na klavirske tipke. Razmišljala je celo o tem, da bi v sobi obesila piratsko zastavo, vse v maniri jina in janga.
Monique je visoka 38 centrimetrov in narejena iz približno 5000 zank. Njena obleka je sešita iz ponovno uporabljenega blaga, ki je nekoč sestavljalo prav posebne hlače. Njeno kapo krasi majhna roža iz istega blaga.