Sophie is not an average girl. She is interested in much more than just fashion, movies and boys. She is stubborn and headstrong and likes to think for herself. She is interested in philosophy, so she often spends long nights thinking about the world and the meaning of life, but you shouldn’t be surprised if you ever catch her studying astrophysics. She is hungry for knowledge! But you could simply explain all that with her name – it comes from the Greek word for wisdom.
You can adopt her here.
You can adopt her here.
Sofija ni povprečno dekle, saj jo poleg mode, filmov in fantov zanima še marsikaj drugega. Je trmasta in svojeglava. Zanima jo filozofija, zato dolge večere razmišlja o svetu in smislu življenja. Ne bodite pa presenečeni, če jo kdaj zalotite pri astrofiziki - Sofija je lačna znanja. Sicer pa vse pove že njeno ime, ki izhaja iz grške besede za modrost.