Maria is passionate dancer. She loves to dance the night away and can’t stop her feet from moving when she hears music. She adores flamenco, salsa and even cha-cha-cha. She is also huge fan of travelling and dreams about visiting all of the seven continents.
I dressed her up in a beautiful crocheted dress in orange and grey, adorned with lace. She is wearing orange shoes with laces. She is approximately 14'' (36 cm) tall and it took me 20 and a half hours to finish it.
You can adopt her here.
I dressed her up in a beautiful crocheted dress in orange and grey, adorned with lace. She is wearing orange shoes with laces. She is approximately 14'' (36 cm) tall and it took me 20 and a half hours to finish it.
You can adopt her here.
Marija je strastna plesalka. Ničesar ne ljubi bolj kot preplesanih noči, pa naj bo to ob ritmu flamenka, salse ali čačačaja. Ko zasliši glasbo, njene noge pač ne morejo ostati pri miru. Je tudi velika ljubiteljica potovanj, zato sanja o tem, da bo nekoč obiskala vseh 7 kontinentov.
Oblekla sem jo v oranžnosivo obleko s čipko in obula v oranžne čeveljčke z vezalkami. Visoka je 36 cm, kvačkala pa sem jo kar dobrih 20 ur.